Workshops - ECS

Account and Workload Security with Lacework

2 hours

Learn about securing the software delivery process, implementing security operation workflows on AWS, and managing security across accounts with Lacework Cloud Security Platform.

Application Modernization with CircleCI

2 hours

In this workshop you will learn why DevOps is a pattern for modernization and how to use patterns with CircleCI to release features and functionality at a faster pace.

Application modernization with AWS and Docker

1.5 hours

In this hands on session, we will take a sample two tier application and use Docker Compose to power up local development on AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) and then to deploy to AWS Cloud, all with a consistent developer experience using Docker Compose CLI. During the session, we will uncover how to embed your existing services in the compose file and simulate a real world scenario by fine tuning your AWS Cloudformation templates using docker compose overlays and finally orchestrate continuous deployment.

Secure Devops with AWS & Sysdig

3 hours

In this workshop, you will learn how to securely run cloud applications in production by automating AWS Fargate and ECR image scanning directly in your AWS environment. You will also learn how to improve the security of your cloud infrastructure using AWS CloudTrail and Sysdig CloudConnector.

DevOps Modernization with JFrog

2 hours

In this workshop you will learn about the JFrog Platform and how to leverage Artifactory and JFrog Xray for managing your Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and bring DevOps to the cloud on AWS.

Amazon ECS Workshop

2 hours

In this workshop, we will launch a frontend and multpile backend services on AWS Elastic Container Service, and explore how you might adopt this workflow into your environment.

.Net Core Container Secrets

2 hours

In this module, you will learn how to containerize an existing .Net application and implement modern cloud based security principles to secure your application in production.

Contrast Security

1.5 hours

In this workshop you will learn how Contrast technology platform is a fundamentally new way to protect a company from threats, giving our customers visibility and accuracy into their applications.